[Python-3000] test_asyncore fails intermittently on Darwin

Hasan Diwan hasan.diwan at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 09:12:35 CEST 2007

On 04/08/07, Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, regardless of the brokenness of the patch, I do get two
> different failures from this test on OSX. The first is caused by
> trying to socket.bind() a port that's already been bound recently:
> Exception in thread Thread-2:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/jyasskin/src/python/test_asyncore/Lib/threading.py",
> line 464, in __bootstrap
>     self.run()
>   File "/Users/jyasskin/src/python/test_asyncore/Lib/threading.py",
> line 444, in run
>     self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
>   File "Lib/test/test_asyncore.py", line 59, in capture_server
>     serv.bind(("", PORT))
>   File "<string>", line 1, in bind
> socket.error: (48, 'Address already in use')

Patch number 1767834 -- uncommitted as yet -- fixes this problem.
Hasan Diwan <hasan.diwan at gmail.com>

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