[Python-3000] Please don't kill the % operator...

Fred Drake fdrake at acm.org
Thu Aug 16 22:47:31 CEST 2007

On Aug 16, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Well, for me the "realness" of Py3K is the same now as it was back
> when Guido created teh p3yk branch.

Somehow, I suspect the reality of Python 3.0 for any individual is  
strong tied to the amount of time they've had to read the emails,  
PEPs, blogs(!) and what-not related to it.  From where I stand, I'm  
not yet certain that 2.5 is real.  ;-/


Fred Drake   <fdrake at acm.org>

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