[Python-3000] status (preparing for first alpha)

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Mon Aug 27 13:33:32 CEST 2007

Thomas Heller schrieb:
> Neal Norwitz schrieb:
>> Py3k is progressing nicely.  We are planning the first alpha sometime
>> this week.  The tests are mostly passing.  With all the churn over the
>> last week, I'm sure it's about to change.  :-)  AFAIK, nearly all the
>> tests pass on Linux and Mac OS X.  There was a report that Windows/VC8
>> was able to build python but it crashed in test_builtin.  Can anyone
>> confirm this?
>> Here are the tasks that we need help with before the alpha is released:
>>  * Verify Windows build works with VC7 (currently the default compiler for 2.5)
> The build works for me, now that I've fixed PCBuild\build_ssl.py for Python3.
>>  * Verify Windows build passes all tests

> Running the PCBuild\rt.bat script fails when it compares the expected output
> with the actual output.  Some inspection shows that the comparison fails because
> there are '\n' linefeeds in the expected and '\n\r' linefeeds in the actual output:
>   c:\svn\py3k\PCbuild>python_d  -E -tt ../lib/test/regrtest.py
>   test_grammar
>   test test_grammar produced unexpected output:
>   **********************************************************************
>   *** mismatch between line 1 of expected output and line 1 of actual output:
>   - test_grammar
>   + test_grammar
>   ?             +
>   (['test_grammar\n'], ['test_grammar\r\n'])
>   ... and so on ...
> (The last line is printed by some code I added to Lib\regrtest.py.)

http://bugs.python.org/issue1029 apparently fixes this problem.


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