[Python-3000] Who wants to help me reorganize the stdlib?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Thu Dec 6 20:01:24 CET 2007

On Dec 6, 2007 5:56 AM, Facundo Batista <facundobatista at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2007/12/6, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>:
> > The plan is to get this done by summer.  While that might seem like a
> > long ways off, this is open source, so everyone's time is restricted.
> Note that you could propose an sprint in PyCon 2008 for this...

I know, but I have other things I would rather be working on at PyCon.  =)

> > of my PEPs end up being heavily cut back  =) .  So I am asking anyone
> > who is interested in helping me out with this to reply to this thread.
> >  That way most of the work can be done off-list in a more sane manner
> Will you create another mail list for this specific issue?

Quite possibly considering how many people have stepped forward.
Maybe a stdlib-sig mailing list or something.  I just don't want the
list to be unwieldy; the whole point of doing this off of python-3000
is to keep it focused and prevent people from flipping out over a
disagreement of where a module goes.

> > So if this sounds interesting to you and you want to help me, let me know.
> I'm in.

Great!  Thanks, Facundo (and everyone else who is stepping forward).


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