[Python-3000] Method descriptors
Christian Heimes
lists at cheimes.de
Tue Dec 11 13:49:47 CET 2007
Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk wrote:
> Below is what I have, after some cleaning and renaming. Needs more
> cleaning to plug it into Python modules and conform to Python coding
> standards.
I've added \t to the formatting, changed the name slightly and filled a
bunch of slots.
>>> class Example:
... id = instancemethod(id)
... str = instancemethod(str)
... hash = hash
>>> Example.id
<built-in function id>
>>> Example().id
<bound method Example.id of <__main__.Example object at 0x83b3bcc>>
>>> ex = Example()
>>> hex(ex.id())
>>> ex.id
<bound method Example.id of <__main__.Example object at 0x83b3ea4>>
>>> ex.str()
'<__main__.Example object at 0x83b3ea4>'
>>> ex.hash()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: hash() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
>>> instancemethod(id)
<instancemethod id at 0x83a15a4>
>>> instancemethod(id).__func__
<built-in function id>
> I'm not convinced that Python on its own needs it. Perhaps Python
> already distinguishes function-like objects from others rigorously
> enough that they should care about being descriptors themselves.
> CFunction does not define descr_get - why? Maybe it should?
I'm sure Guido can answer the question better than me. :)
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