[Python-3000] Why lowercase?

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Fri Dec 14 21:57:32 CET 2007

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 08:51 AM 12/14/2007 +0100, Christian Heimes wrote:
>> UserDict is a relict from the
>> past and scheduled for removal.
> Really?  Why?

Because a Google Spreed Sheet says so. *jk*

> Er, no, its functionality *isn't* replaced by subclassable dict, 
> since subclassable dict does stuff you can't override (e.g. copy() 
> doesn't return a subclass instance).

Brett has started the stdlib reorg. In the past couple of days we have
created a list of modules to be renamed or removed. We have *not* made
any decision yet. The User* modules are just marked as to be
extinguished during the stdlib reorg.

I see your point. A few minutes ago I added another sheet that lists
modules to be replaced or rewritten.


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