[Python-3000] Why lowercase?

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sat Dec 15 01:05:35 CET 2007

At 12:46 PM 12/15/2007 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > Er, no, its functionality *isn't* replaced by subclassable dict,
> > since subclassable dict does stuff you can't override (e.g. copy()
> > doesn't return a subclass instance).
>But you could override copy() in your dict subclass.

Or you could just use UserDict (or the DictMixin classes) and save 
yourself the trouble.

Now, if there are replacements that let you do the same stuff (e.g. 
delegate to a '.data' member), then great.  Otherwise, why should 
everybody duplicate the same functionality over again, when there's a 
nice stable implementation?

Or is the idea that these things should get spun off into PyPI 
packages, a la bsddb185?

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