[Python-3000] PEP 3108: Standard Library Reorganization

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Wed Jan 3 02:00:49 CET 2007

Barry Warsaw writes:
> To me, a standard library reorganization would proceed like this:  
> figure out the new hierarchy and package names now and implement them  
> for Python 2.6.  Make sure every old package name continues to work,  
> but encourage people (through documentation and social coercion, not  
> through warnings) to start using the new hierarchy.  Issue no  
> warnings in Python 2.6 unless the magical -3 flag were given, but  
> never make the old hierarchy issue errors in Python 2.x.

I second Barry's recommendation.  I too would like to see a phase-in
approach, with both set of module names available side-by-side for one
or two releases (certainly for Python 3.0), and a switch to set (on by
default in 3.x, off by default in 2.x) which causes deprecation
warnings for use of the "old" names.


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