[Python-3000] PEP 3108: Standard Library Reorganization

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Wed Jan 3 02:02:22 CET 2007

On 1/2/07, Bill Janssen <janssen at parc.com> wrote:
> Brett,
> Thanks for writing this up.

Welcome!  Sometimes I worry about my penchant for Python masochism.

Here are my thoughts on this (after 3 weeks away, I'm still catching up):
> The link to PEP 4 is broken.

Thanks, fixed.

"nis" -- NIS is still widely used by many people; probably premature to
> remove.

Yuck, really?  Anyone else agree with this?

"md5" and "sha" -- should note pointer to "hashlib".

Eh, I am not going to worry about it since it is listed because of an
existing deprecation so someone has already explained it for me.  =)

"base64"/"quopri"/"uu" -- still quite useful, so I'd suggest removing
> them but retaining "binascii", with a new implementation that uses the
> "codecs" support directly.

Seems people want to hold on to either binascii or the trio of modules, but
I need to understand why we shouldn't just rework them so that they are not
public and have people use the codecs module.

Thank God "asyncore" was 'saved'.


I hate the renaming ideas, but I agree it's probably necessary.

Yep.  From now on at least people can come up with better names.  If people
have better names

Let me suggest a consolidation idea I don't see there:  a grouping
> similar to that which has been done with email, but called "web".
> This package would include "urllib", "urllib2", "urlparse", "httplib",
> "cgi", "BaseHTTPServer", "BaseCGIServer", "HTMLParser", "Cookie",
> "cookielib", and "SimpleHTTPServer" (at least).


  The Python ECMAScript
> interpreter could go there, too, when it's written :-).

Ugh, not if I can help it.

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