[Python-3000] Exceptions internals and removing sys.exc_*

Collin Winter collinw at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 06:46:53 CET 2007

Guido has mentioned [1] that since exceptions will be growing a
__traceback__ attribute in Python 3, it should be possible to remove
sys.exc_info(). In addition, PEP 3100 mentions the removal of
sys.exc_{type,value,traceback}. With that in mind, is there a reason
to keep the exc_{type,value,traceback} fields on PyThreadState
structs? Is there a reason why these couldn't be consolidated into a
single PyThreadState->exception field in Python 3?

Collin Winter

[1] - http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-January/005385.html

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