[Python-3000] A request to keep dict.setdefault() in 3.0

Brandon Craig Rhodes brandon at rhodesmill.org
Mon Jul 9 23:01:38 CEST 2007

Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> writes:

> However, .setdefault() is a horrible name because it's not clear
> from the name that a 'get' operation also happens.

Agreed!  From the name, a clever but naive user would assume that
"setdefault" sets what value the dictionary returns when a key does
not exist.  On first encountering the name, one imagines:

>>> d = {}
>>> d[1]
KeyError: 1
>>> d.setdefault('missing')
>>> d[1]

Brandon Craig Rhodes   brandon at rhodesmill.org   http://rhodesmill.org/brandon

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