[Python-3000] pep 3124 plans
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Jul 18 04:03:20 CEST 2007
At 09:04 PM 7/17/2007 -0400, Jim Jewett wrote:
>On 7/17/07, Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> > At 02:47 PM 7/17/2007 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > >I have one remaining question for Phillip: why is your design
> > >"absolutely dependent on being able to modify functions in-place"?
> > It allows the framework to bootstrap via successive
> > approximation. Initially, the 'implies()' function is just a plain
>Would it work to make the original 'implies()' something other than an
>ordinary function? I realize that you prefer being able to overload
>anything, but it seems that you *could* mark the ones you'll need to
>overload as part of bootstrapping.
Fair enough. The design is still dependent on modifying "functions"
in place, for some value of "function". It just never occurred to me
to introduce a *third* type of "function", besides the two already
being dealt with (i.e., standard functions and generic
functions). Even *thinking* about the idea right now is like
fingernails on a chalkboard to me, so I can see why it didn't occur to me. :)
> > In 2.x, I take advantage of the ability of code run inside a class
> > suite to change the enclosing class' __metaclass__; in 3.0,
>What was missing from the __class__ attribute that you get from the
>super PEP fail? Was it that you wanted access to the class while
>defining the class, before the method is ever called?
Correct; you need access to it before the method is called, since
it's to add an overload to a generic function.
>Why can't an ordinary class decorator work?
It can; it's just noise.
> Is it because you want
>the funky stuff to be conditional? If so, is that really required?
I don't understand what you mean by "funky stuff" or "conditional", here.
>Or are you just objecting to the fact that metaclasses like this won't
>be the default?
The idea is to make it so that using generic functions doesn't
require a bunch of extra bookkeeping, like adding metaclasses or
decorators. Metaclasses are particularly problematic in that mixing
multiple metaclasses is not an activity for novice wizards.
That's why I don't use that approach in today's Python: I can safely
wizard around the problem using pseudo-metaclasses, such that the
user's metaclasses aren't touched.
Post-PEP 3115, however, it won't be an option any more, and you'll at
least need a boilerplate decorator for it to work, and it'll silently
break without it, giving absolutely no clue as to the problem.
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