[Python-3000] Support for PEP 3131
Steve Howell
showell30 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 5 00:28:40 CEST 2007
--- Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at uci.edu> wrote:
> Here is some code borrowed right from the Python
> standard library. I've
> gone ahead and mangled names in a consistant fashion
> using the tokenize
> module. Can you guess what it does?
> class RTrCOlOrB :
> nBBjIUrB =0
> def __init__ (self ,uX ,nBBjIUrB =1 ):
> self .uX =uX
> self .nCIZj =[]# KAzWn ezWQ
> self .rBGBr =0
> self .rInC =0
> if nBBjIUrB :
> self .nBBjIUrB =1
> self .nCIAC =self .uX .tell ()
> self .XznnCIZj =[]# KAzWn ezWQ
> [...]
At first glance, no, although obviously it has
something to do with randomly accessing a file.
If I were trying to reverse engineer this code back to
English, the first thing I'd do is use tokenize to
mangle the tokens back to consistent, easy to
pronounce, relatively meaningless English words like
aardvark, bobble, dog_chow, fredness, parplesnarper,
etc., as XznnCIZj doesn't have even a false cognate to
hook on to in my brain.
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