[Python-3000] Support for PEP 3131

Baptiste Carvello baptiste13 at altern.org
Tue Jun 12 22:59:35 CEST 2007

Michael Urman a écrit :
> As I am not going to be interested in trying to
> understand code written in Chinese, Russian, etc., I'm not bothered by
> the idea that someone might write code I will have a strong
> disincentive to read. 
The question is: is it worth it. Will the new feature allow more useful code to
be written, or will it cause unnecessary duplication of effort. Probably both,
but I cannot tell in which proportions, an neither can you, I guess.

I think helps a lot in this regard if developpers make a conscious choice as to
whether they use non-ASCII identifiers or not in a given project (as opposed to
just using the feature because it is there). Thus they will only use them when
they really feel the need. Having the feature disabled by default is a way to
make sure people take some time to think about it. However, maybe it s not
absolutely necessary and a prominent explanation in the various documentations
is sufficient? I'm not 100% sure one way or the other.


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