[Python-3000] setup.py fails in the py3k-struni branch

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Sun Jun 17 04:38:12 CEST 2007

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 6/13/07, Ron Adam <rrr at ronadam.com> wrote:
>> Attached both the str8 repr as s"..." and s'...', and the latest
>> no_raw_escape patch which I think is complete now and should apply 
>> with no
>> problems.
> I like the str8 repr patch enough to check it in.
>> I tracked the random fails I am having in test_tokenize.py down to it 
>> doing
>> a round trip on random test_*.py files.  If one of those files has a
>> problem it causes test_tokanize.py to fail also.  So I added a line to 
>> the
>> test to output the file name it does the round trip on so those can be
>> fixed as they are found.
>> Let me know it needs to be adjusted or something doesn't look right.
> Well, I'm still philosophically uneasy with r'\' being a valid string
> literal, for various reasons (one being that writing a string parser
> becomes harder and harder). I definitely want r'\u1234' to be a
> 6-character string, however. Do you have a patch that does just that?
> (We can argue over the rest later in a larger forum.)

The str8 patch caused tokanize.py to fail again also.  ;-)  Those s'' == '' 
asserts of course.

I tracked it down to cStringIO.c only returning str8 types.  Fixing that 
*may* fix a number of other modules as well, but I'm not sure how, so I put 
a str() around the returned value in tokanize.py with a note for now.

The attached path has various minor fix's.  (But not the no raw escape 
stuff yet.)


tokenize.py - Get rid of s'' errors by making returned value from 
cStringIO.c to unicode with str().

test_tokanize.py - Added printing of roundtrip file names to test.  This is 
needed because files are a random sample and if they have errors, it causes 
this module to fail.  Without this there is no way to tell what is going on.

_fileio.c - Return unicode strings instead of str8 strings.  (check this one.)

smtplib - Fixed strip() without args on bytes.

test_fileinput.py - Replaced bad writelines() call with a for loop with a 
write() call.  (buffer object doesn't have a writelines method, and 
try-finally hid the error.)

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