[Python-3000] unit test for advanced formatting

Talin talin at acm.org
Thu Mar 1 03:58:31 CET 2007

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Talin wrote:
>> A typical example of what I am talking about here is something like a 
>> web application server, where you have a "development" mode and a 
>> "production" mode. In the development mode, you want to find errors as 
>> quickly as possible, so you enable strict formatting. In production, 
>> however, you want the server to be as fault-tolerant as possible, so you 
>> would enable lenient mode.
> This seems misguided. There's a difference between being
> fault-tolerant and being bug-tolerant. I don't think that
> ignoring symptoms of bugs and going on to produce incorrect
> results is any more acceptable in a production web server
> as it would be in any other environment.

It depends on the kind of web service you are running. For example, if 
your web site is a bank, then a crash may be preferable to an incorrect 
total; However if your web site is a blog, then something like "Last 
posted on ?MissingArgument?" might be preferable to a self-imposed 
denial of service attack, i.e. a server that produces no pages at all, 
or pages that say only "An error occurred while generating this page".

In any case, this issue doesn't really matter to me.

-- Talin

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