[Python-3000] PEP 3113 (Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking)

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 16:06:23 CET 2007

On 3/5/07, Andrew Koenig <ark-mlist at att.net> wrote:
> > FWIW, I always liked the `parameter passing is assignment` semantics
> > of Python. I sure hope nobody is going to start a crus^H^H^H^HPEP to
> > remove tuple unpacking in general from the language!

> Isn't the point of this discussion that it is already gone?

Nobody has even suggested removing tuple-unpacking in general.

The question is whether to continue doing it implicitly in function

Today, you can write:

    >>> def f(name, (street_num, street, city, state, zip)):

In python 3, you will probably have to write:

    >>> def f(name, addr):
    ...         street_num, street, city, state, zip = addr

or possibly the redundant

    >>> def f(name, addr:tuple(street_num, street, city, state, zip)):
    ...         street_num, street, city, state, zip = addr

if you want the documentation value.


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