[Python-3000] Discussions with no PEPs

Talin talin at acm.org
Thu Mar 8 03:39:35 CET 2007

Going back in this list, I see a number of issues which were discussed 
at length, but there is no corresponding PEP. I realize that in some 
cases, this is because no actual consensus was reached.

In any case, I would like to know, what is the current status of the 
following issues:

   -- Generic Functions
   -- Interfaces
   -- Metaclass syntax

It's not my intention to start a big thread about these - anyone who 
wants to can go back and read the old discussions. I mainly would like 
to know:

   1) Was there a final pronouncement, or at least a rough consensus on 
either of these? If so, what was it?
   2) Should these have PEPs? (Even if solely for purposes of rejection?)
   3) If they are not ready for PEPs, should the discussions be 
restarted on Python-ideas?

In order to prevent a major thread, I would suggest that any response 
that is not a direct answer to one of the above questions should be 
moved to python-ideas. Specifically, I'd like to avoid any discussion of 
the *merits* of the ideas themselves, or alternative solutions - let's 
limit the comments to just talking about their *status*.

And if you need someone to write those PEPs, I can do it - but I'll need 
some help on the first two in order to understand all of the sides of 
the controversy. The third one is pretty easy.

-- Talin

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