[Python-3000] PEP for Metaclasses in Python 3000

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Sat Mar 10 21:40:24 CET 2007

Talin <talin at acm.org> wrote:
> I strongly feel that this makes *using* metaclasses way too complex. A 
> person wanting to create a C struct or a database record should simply 
> have to say "metaclass=cstruct" - they shouldn't have to declare a bunch 
> of individual pieces, all of which have to match with each other. 
> There's no utility in being able to "mix n' match" metaclasses and dicts.
> In any case, we're just going over old ground here.

Great!  If there is no need to mix and match metaclasses and dicts
arbitrarily, then there is no need to pass alternate parameters to the
dictionary construction method, and thusly, no need to offer arbitrary
keyword arguments to class foo(...) signatures.

As such, the compiler, etc., needs to be taught to pull out the
__metaclass__ definition before executing the class body, but that's
better than mucking with the syntax of class foo(...).

 - Josiah

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