[Python-3000] Discussions with no PEPs

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Mon Mar 12 22:27:59 CET 2007

On 3/12/07, Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org> wrote:
> On 3/8/07, Bill Janssen <janssen at parc.com> wrote:
> > There's an incomplete wiki page about a possible factoring of types at
> > http://wiki.python.org/moin/AbstractBaseClasses.
> The one thing that I have been unable to figure out (from that page, the
> python-dev/python-3000 messages on the subject and talking with Guido) is
> why ABCs are better than explicit interfaces like Twisted and Zope use. I
> think mixing in abstract baseclasses in the normal inheritance tree is a
> mistake, and if you have a separate tree, you really just have interfaces. I
> can think of a half dozen nagging warts that will pop up with using ABCs
> instead of interfaces, most of which I already griped to Guido about (but
> failed to convince him.)

And, to the contrary, I believe that if one mechanism can handle two
requirements, that's better than having two separate mechanisms. I
have a mandate to try and keep the language small.

>  - You can't take a third-party object, not participating in the
> ABC/interface craze, and say 'it inherits from this ABC' (which you can do
> for interfaces.)

In some cases, at least, this could be done by patching __bases__; not
that I'm particularly advocating that. But I believe the last time we
had this discussion this wasn't considered a particularly important
requirement, as long as the standard library plays the ABC game
consistently. I believe it is a requirement for zope/twisted
interfaces mostly because the stdlib *doesn't* play their game.

>  - If the abstract classes hold actual attributes (as is the suggestion, as
> far as I can tell) rather than be completely empty, they can end up in the
> middle of the inheritance tree and mess up MRO.

I don't believe this. Can you show me an example? I would think that
if done properly, the ABC defining a particular behavior would always
be included as a base class for any class implementing that behavior,
and thus it would automatically come in the MRO *after* all classes
implementing the behavior, as it should. That seems entirely correct
to me. Of course, there may be problems if one of the subclasses
doesn't call its super method, but that problem can occur regardless
of the use of ABCs.

>  - If the abstract classes are really completely empty, you need another
> mechanism for figuring out what a particular abstract class entails.

That's not what Bill or I are proposing, however. Take a look at the
Py3k Lib/io.py module; it has several abstract base classes, esp.
RawIOBase is close to my ideal use of ABC.

>  - You can't define *any* 'magic' on the abstract classes, things that are
> supposed to work on ABCs only, because any inherited class will of course
> automatically inherit the magic. If you use a magic metaclass for ABCs that
> works around that, people 'implementing' classes with their own metaclass
> will have to remember to subclass their metaclass from the
> ABC-magic-metaclass.

That's exactly what metaclasses are for, so I'm not sure what your
problem is; obviously mixing metaclasses requires a convention for
metaclasses to cooperate, but I imagine that unknowingly combining
custom metaclasses with zope/twisted interfaces can *also* easily
screw up.

>  - Because of the no-magic thing, you can't have the ABC do useful things,
> like asking it to verify if an implementation class has the right attributes
> or whether it can find an adapter for one ABC to another.

That's easily done as separate function though. Most meta-behavior is
already done as separate functions; e.g. you write type(x),
isinstance(x, C), issubclass(C, B) rather than using method notations
for these. I don't see this as a disadvantage at all, unless you have
suddenly got the OO-religion-disease (typically found in Java
programmers migrating to Python and questioning len() :-).

>   - You can't un-inherit an ABC, ever. You can't inherit from a particular
> class to get some free implementation, but provide a slightly different
> (conflicting) interface. (Alright, probably not realistically a problem, but
> still.)

This should be done using proxies or wrappers or containment anyway,
not inheritance.

>  - Mixing interface-definition and implementation like that makes it hard
> for new programmers to pick up the difference. It will be harder to explain
> the difference between 'dict' and 'Mapping' when they are both in the list
> of bases. How can you tell one from the other?

A naming convention? Documentation? The presence of unimplemented methods?

> As far as I can see, there is tremendously little difference between ABCs
> and interfaces, at least the way Guido explained his ideas for ABCs to me.

Then why are you fighting them? :-)

> The entirely Wiki page can be turned into a list of interfaces with a few
> textual edits. The only difference is that ABCs nestle in the normal MRO,
> which, in my eyes, is not a benefit at all. So... what's the actual benefit
> of ABCs over interfaces?

Well, to others, the nestling in the MRO is a feature, not a bug.

Please stay posted as I (slowly) work on a set of proposals for ABCs
to go into the stdlib.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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