[Python-3000] Octal

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Wed Mar 14 07:22:30 CET 2007

> Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> wrote:
>> Now that the 20th century is safely behind us, do we still want
>> literals with leading zeroes to be interpreted as octal?

> Do we deprecate it followed by a later removal

Nope.  Just drop them from Python 3000.  No one (except Greg) will miss them. 
The 2-to-3 tool can convert 0123 constants to decimal or hex.  Any need to 
process external octal value can already be done explicitly through: 
int(octstring, 8).


P.S.  My note was occasioned by a colleague encountering errors with integer 
data that had leading zeroes.  He was surprised to find-out that the lead zero 
notation for octal literals had been around for a long time. 

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