[Python-3000] Support for PEP 3131

Baptiste Carvello baptiste13 at altern.org
Sat May 26 00:22:35 CEST 2007

Guillaume Proux a écrit :
> (I mistakenly replied in private. here is a copy for the py3000 mailing list.)
> Good evening!
> On 5/26/07, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You're missing "here is this neat code from sourceforge", or "Here is
>> something I cut-and-pasted from ASPN".  If those use something outside
>> of ASCII, that's fine -- so long as they tell you about it.
>> If you didn't realize it was using non-ASCII (or even that it could),
>> and the author didn't warn you -- then that is an appropriate time for
>> the interpreter to warn you that things aren't as you expect.
> I fail to see your point. Why should the interpreter warn you?
> There is nothing wrong to have programs written with identifiers using
> accented letters, cyrillic alphabet, morse code?! Why should you be
> warned? If the programmer who wrote the code decided to use its own
> language to name some of the identifiers ... then.. bygones.
sure, until you hit some bug and would like to debug it, and you can't even
recognise the identifiers from one another...

>  If you have an actual requirement that everything should be ascii
> then do not copy code off ASPN without first sanitizing it and do not
> copy neat code from sf.net from people you hardly know without doing a
> full ascii-compliance and security review.
> but if the code you copy off somewhere else does what you need it to
> do... then why do you want to force the author of this code generously
> donated to you to downgrade his expressiveness by having to rewrite
> all his code to reach ascii purity?
don't make it sound so dramatic. Python programmers already accept limits on
expressiveness in the name of readability. Heck, otherwise we would all be using


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