[Python-3000] basestring removal, __file__ and co_filename

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Thu Oct 11 18:58:42 CEST 2007

Hm, can't we make co_filename a PyUnicode instance?

On 10/11/07, Christian Heimes <lists at cheimes.de> wrote:
> Hello Python!
> I've written a patch that removes basestring from py3k:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue1258 During the testing of the patch I hit a
> problem with __file__ and codeobject.co_filename. Both __file__ and
> co_filename are byte strings and not unicode which is causing some
> trouble. Guido asked me to provide another patch which decodes the
> string using the default filesystem encoding.
> Most of the patch was straight forward and easy but I hit one spot
> that's causing some trouble. It's a chicken and egg issue.
> codeobject.co_filename is a PyString instance. I like to perform
> filename = PyString_AsDecodedObject(filename,
> Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding ? Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding : "UTF-8",
> NULL);
> in order to decode the string with either the fs encoding or UTF-8 but
> it's not possible. It's way too early in the bootstrapping process of
> Python and the codecs aren't registered yet. In fact large parts of the
> codecs package is implemented in Python ...
> Ideas?
> I could check if Py_FilesystemDefaultEncoding is one of the encodings
> that are implemented in Python (UTF-8, 16, 32, latin1, mbcs) but what if
> the fs default encoding is some obscure encoding?
> Christian
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--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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