[Python-3000] __bool__ in 2.6?

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Mon Oct 29 19:10:31 CET 2007

2007/10/28, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>:
> On 10/28/07, James Thiele <python3now at gmail.com> wrote:
> > PEP 361 lists __bool__ support as being possible for 2.6 backporting.
> > As of today the trunk build uses __nonzero__ like 2.5 but 3.0 alpha
> > uses __bool__. Has a decision been made on whether this will make the
> > cut for 2.6?
> >
> > In a more general vein, is there a cutoff date for producing a list of
> > 3.0 features which will be backported to 2.6?
> Backporting decisions have not been made as the feature set of 3.0 is
> still a moving target.  Once we nail down the features (I am going to
> guess not until b1 at the earliest) then backporting will probably
> start.

In this case, like many, the backport can't be an exact copy of the
3.0 code: 2.6 *must* support __nonzero__. But it should also support
__bool__ as a fallback. I think it would be great if someone submited
a patch to implement this (though it isn't necessarily the highest
backporting priority).

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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