[Python-3000] Please re-add __cmp__ to python 3000

Jeffrey Yasskin jyasskin at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 06:19:43 CET 2007

On 10/29/07, Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/29/07, David A. Wheeler <dwheeler at dwheeler.com> wrote:
> > I think several postings have explained better than I have on why __cmp__ is still very valuable.  (See below.)
> >
> > Guido van Rossum posted earlier that he was willing to entertain a PEP to restore __cmp__, so I've attempted to create a draft PEP, posted here:
> >   http://www.dwheeler.com/misc/pep-cmp.txt
> > Please let me know if it makes sense.  Thanks.
> I think the PEP's a little misleading in that it makes it sound like
> defining __lt__, __gt__, etc. is inefficient.  I think you want to be
> explicit about where __lt__, __gt__ are efficient, and where __cmp__
> is efficient.  For example::
> * __lt__ is more efficient for sorting (given the current implementation)
> * __cmp__ is more efficient for comparing sequences like tuples, where
> you always need to check for equality first, and you don't want to
> have to do an == check followed by a < check if you can do them both
> at the same time. (This is basically the same argument as for Decimal
> -- why do two comparisons when you can do one?)

When implementing a large, totally ordered object (>=2 fields), both
__lt__ and __cmp__ should probably be implemented by calling __cmp__
on the fields. If you decide to implement __lt__ by letting it forward
to __cmp__, the cutoff might be at 3 fields.

Partial orders (what the PEP calls "asymmetric classes") cannot, of
course, be implemented with __cmp__ and should have it return
NotImplemented. Well, if we wanted to diverge from most other
languages, we could extend __cmp__ to let it return a distinguished
"Unordered" value, which returns false on all comparisons with 0. This
is similar to Fortress's approach, which returns one of 4 values from
a PartialOrder's CMP operator: EqualTo, LessThan, GreaterThan, and
Unordered. Haskell has only a total ordering class in the core
libraries, while Scala has a PartiallyOrdered trait that returns None
from its compare method for unordered values.

For Python, I think I favor reviving __cmp__ for totally ordered
types, and asking that partially ordered ones return NotImplemented
from it explicitly.


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