[Python-3000] plat-mac seriously broken?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Tue Oct 30 19:05:23 CET 2007

On 10/29/07, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> 2007/10/27, Bill Janssen <janssen at parc.com>:
> > > ISTR much of the plat-mac stuff was generated by Tools/bgen.  If so, that
> > > would be the place to fix things.
> >
> > Sure looks like generated code.  Be nice if that generator was run
> > during the build process, on OS X.  That way you'd be sure to get code
> > that matches the platform and codebase.
> ISTR that the generator needs a lot of hand-holding. Fixing it would
> be A Project.

Just so that it is publicly known, when the Great Stdlib Reorg begins,
I am seriously thinking of paring down the Mac stuff to the bare
minimum.  I think the only reason all the Mac stuff was even allowed
in to begin with was because Jack was one of the first contributors to
Python (but that is just a hunch).  It seems rather unfair to have all
of this Mac stuff in the stdlib while Windows doesn't go far beyond
_winreg and everything else is kept in win32all.  Considering it has
gone this far into Py3K and no one has noticed that it was broken kind
of says something anyway.

And no, I don't know when I am going to start doing the cleanup as I
am under time pressure for three proposals between now and late


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