[Python-3000] Windows registry question from blog

Trent Mick trentm at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 18:26:07 CEST 2007

> > > Obviously then the logical choice would be to unselect that (or
> > > perhaps have it unselected by default for alpha installations).
> >
> > I'd rather have the user unselect it - people installing multiple
> > Python version are familiar with the phenomenon and might get puzzled
> > if some installation suddenly behaved different.
> >
> If this were an actual certified "release" of Python, I'd agree with that.
> However, it's not -  it's a specifically-incompatible alpha release, and I
> would vote for it being unselected by default.  (People familiar with
> installing multiple Python versions will not be familiar with anything close
> to this level of incompatibility in their .py files).

FWIW, this is what I do for the ActivePython (and Komodo) installers:
only do the PATHEXT, PATH and file association changes by default in
final releases and require the user to select that for alpha/beta


Trent Mick
trentm at gmail.com

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