[Python-3000] More uniform treatment of files' newlines attribute?
skip at pobox.com
skip at pobox.com
Sun Sep 23 23:07:02 CEST 2007
While editing the documentation of the builtin open function, I noticed that
the newlines attributes can take on three different value types: None,
strings or tuples of strings. It seems to me it would be better if was
always a set containing the newline values seen so far. There's no testing
necessary if you need to do something with the newlines you've seen, you
just loop over them:
for nl in f.newlines:
print("%r" % nl)
With the current mixed types metaphor you have to do something like this:
if f.newlines is not None:
if type(f.newlines) is tuple:
for nl in f.newlines:
print("%r" % nl)
print("%r" % f.newlines)
This, of course, assumes the file has been opened in text mode. If you have
a binary mode file you also have to call hasattr(f, "newlines"). Presumably
in most cases you'll know the file's mode without needing to check, but
maybe binary files should also have a newlines attribute which is always the
empty set.
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