[Python-3000] New io system and binary data

Uche Ogbuji uche at ogbuji.net
Tue Sep 25 15:39:24 CEST 2007

Bill Janssen wrote:
> That's certainly the prescribed behavior for the C stdio streams on
> POSIX-compliant systems.  I think a lot of the original design of the
> Python I/O system was based on that C stdio system, including names
> like stdin, stdout, and stderr.
> Now that we've moved away from the C stdio model, and the distinction
> between text and binary streams is meaningful even on POSIX systems,
> perhaps we should also change those names to reflect that difference
> from C.  Given that Py3K is a once-in-a-decade chance to break
> backwards compatibility, and all.  Perhaps something like
> sys.io.input, sys.io.output, sys.io.err, or something similar.

+1, except I'd say "sys.io.error"for the latter.

Uche Ogbuji                       http://uche.ogbuji.net
Founding Partner, Zepheira        http://zepheira.com
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