[Python-3000] Extension: mpf for GNU MP floating point

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 18:06:40 CEST 2007

2007/9/25, Rob Crowther <weilawei at gmail.com>:

> a float. At this point, I'm able to use it as a stripped down drop in
> replacement for Decimal. It's also much, much faster.

Didn't understand this phrase. You're able to use it, after stripping
it down, as a replacement of Decimal? Or you're able to use it as a
replacement of a stripped down Decimal?

For the record: I don't have the "not invented here" syndrome. If you
find a replacement to Decimal that is faster than actual, it's great!


.    Facundo

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