[Python-3000] [Python-ideas] Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Wed Feb 6 21:04:16 CET 2008

Christian Heimes schrieb:
> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>> FYI, setuptools uses and supports #! lines on Windows, with the 
>> executable path in quotes if it contains spaces.  For a given script 
>> "foo", it generates two files:
>>      foo.exe
>>      foo-script.py
>> And the .exe is just a standardized .exe file that looks in an 
>> adjacent -script.py file of the same name for the #! line.
> Nice, it's an elegant and easy solution to the problem. I like to get a
> quite similar solution into the core but I propose a slightly different
> path.
> Like your launcher.c, spam.exe looks for spam.py. It additionally looks
> for spam.pyw first giving .pyw files a higher priority.

Why give a higher priority to .pyw if the .py also exists?  Shouldn't there
be a way to select one or the other, maybe with a command line flag or whatever?

And, while we're at it:  What IMO needs to be fixed is that there is no way
for a .pyw file to show exceptions to the user.  Maybe the console window
is not such a bad idea.  Maybe it could be opened on demand, as soon as there
is something printed to stderr?
> The first line of the file is read and parsed. The line must start with
> a shebang (#!). Contrary to your script it doesn't look for a complete
> path but searches for pythonX.Y. "#!python2.5" or "#!/usr/bin/python2.5"
> both work.

You mean you parse this string to get the version number?
> Then the launcher executable queries the installation path of Python X.Y
> from the registry (first HKCU, then HKLM). At last the script is
> executed with the Python binary: python.exe for .py and pythonw.exe for
> .pyw. The working directory is the absolute path of spam.exe. This way
> we neither have to change the paths for Windows scripts nor quote the
> path name.

What if there are no registry entries (svn checkout)?


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