[Python-3000] Windows gui vs. console

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Feb 7 21:52:18 CET 2008

Paul Moore wrote:
> On Windows, GUI vs Console is a property of the EXE file,
> and the differing behaviour is built into the OS loader.

Would it be feasible for it to always start up as a gui
app, and then create its own console window (a fake one
if necessary) if it decides it needs one?

Doing things this way might make it possible to be a
bit smarter and not have the console window go away
the moment the script ends. That tends to make
console-mode scripts rather useless...

Also, it would be very handy if in all cases it would
display a traceback somehow in the event of an uncaught
exception. It's frustrating when a gui app fails to start
up and just vanishes into a black hole leaving no clue
what went wrong.


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