[Python-3000] [Python-Dev] Code freeze?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Feb 29 13:00:44 CET 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Feb 29, 2008, at 5:21 AM, Georg Brandl wrote:

> Scott Dial schrieb:
>> Barry Warsaw wrote:
>>>> Alterntaively, I guess you could just suggest that people check the
>>>> buildbot page for their platforms before downloading ....
>>> Yes, good idea.  I'm only going to cut source tarballs for the  
>>> alphas.
>> I apologize for having doubt in your plan, and I can certainly
>> appreciate the work you will be doing as release manager. But..
>> I don't understand who these alpha releases are supposed to be for,  
>> and
>> who they will serve.
> For one thing, releases generate "news", meaning that people will be  
> made
> aware that things are moving, that Python is well underway to its next
> major versions, and maybe will be more inclined to look at what's new,
> or check out a release.

I completely agree.

There's another very important aspect of doing alpha releases, and  
that is to debug the /process/ of releasing.  I need to see how far  
we've come in the years since I RM'd last.  How smoothly we can  
coordinate all the various players?  What does it take to update the  
website?  Where are the glitches in the process that slows everything  
down or blocks certain steps?  What is the state of the tools, and is  
there anything else we can automate?

I also want to see if sticking to the monthly cycle can make us all  
work more productively as a community, so that we know when bugs need  
to be fixed in order to show up in the next release, and so on.

Think of it this way: the alphas are for /us/ as much as for our users.

- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)


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