[Python-3000] [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.6a1 and 3.0a3

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 23:39:41 CET 2008

On 01/03/2008, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
> > As of 4:50 PM  EST, the links to Windows installers give 404 File Not
>  > Found.
>  >
>  > I gather that they are still in process,
>  > and notice that there is no public c.l.p. announcement.
> I just fixed that. The files were there; just the links were wrong.

The 2.6a1 x86 MSI is there, but the 3.0a3 x86 MSI is still giving a 404.


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