[Python-3000] Strategy for porting to 3.0?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Wed Mar 19 12:29:55 CET 2008

After the next SpamBayes release I plan to branch the code and work on
porting it to Python 3.0, mostly as an experiment in porting code from
Python 2.x to 3.x whose results I can feed back to the larger Python
community.  I'm curious about how best to approach the problem.  My first
thought is to run as many SpamBayes apps and tests as I can with the -3 flag
and resolve as many problems as it finds.  How soon before the set of
warnings it emits stabilizes?  Next would be to run 2to3 to do as much other
automatic conversion as possible.  Now run it under Python 3.x and resolve
any other issues.  Should I feed the problems I discover here back to the
community in hopes either -3 or 2to3 can be enhanced?

Then what?


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