[Python-3000] [Python-Dev] the release gods are angry at python

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Mar 26 16:38:09 CET 2008

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On Mar 26, 2008, at 2:21 AM, Neal Norwitz wrote:
> The next releases of 2.6/3.0 are planned for April 2, just over a week
> from now.  There is much work that needs to be done.  The buildbots
> are in a pretty sad state and the gods are seeing too much red.
>  http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/stable/
>  http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/
> See my other mail that discusses the stable buildbots.  The criteria
> for release is that all the stable buildbots are passing all the
> tests.  So we really gotta get these green before Barry notices.  You
> don't want to see Barry angry.  You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Of course, most people don't like me when I'm /not/ angry either! :)

Thanks for being the Bad Cop on this Neal.  Please folks, please help  
make these buildbots go green!  I think we should all be disappointed  
if the releases have to slip because our stable buildbots are red.   
Neal and I will have free rein to back out changes if that turns them  
green so if your code changes cause a failure, and you want your  
changes to stay in, please spend some time fixing them.

> I propose a code chill for new features.  Changes to doc and tests can
> continue as usual.  However, only submit a new feature *after* you fix
> a broken test first.


- -Barry

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