[Python-3000] [Python-Dev] Not releasing rc1 tonight

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 13:04:35 CEST 2008

2008/9/8 wesley chun <wescpy at gmail.com>:
> the goal is admirable, but unless there are paying sponsors that
> require this deadline be met, i'd suggest that we can push the
> releases until they're ready.  the changes that 2.6 and 3.0 bring are
> too major to be released before they are ready for primetime.

I believe that the reason for the Oct 1st deadline is that, if we hit
it, the new versions will be included in some vendor OS releases (I
don't know the exact details, but that's my recollection).

> also, there hasn't been a beta3 download available for Win users
> (aside from the developers who can build it) since Martin has been on
> vacation... they will effectively be leapfrogged from b2 directly to
> rc1. i think he comes back tomorrow, so if rc1 really is going out
> soon, would it make sense for him to make b3 MSI files too?

I agree that the lack of Windows installers is somewhat frustrating
(not that I begrudge Martin his holiday!) but in practice I wonder how
much impact it has. I've used the earlier betas and alphas, but most
of my code relies on one or more external packages, so I tend to have
to wait for 2.3 (or 3.0) compatible binaries of those. The only one
readily available is pywin32, where there's a 2.6 version (but still
no 3.0). I don't know how common my situation is, but certainly the
Windows betas don't get as much testing by me as I'd like.


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