[Python-africa] Good Python hosting?

Humphrey hbutau at msn.com
Mon Jul 25 14:26:34 EDT 2016

Hi Chavoux,

You can try http://pythonanywhere.com. They are based in the U.K but 
their prices are good. You can also try to host your Django project on 
pythonanywhere as it is very easy to setup there. The process of pulling 
your project from Github and setting it up on pythonanywhere is user 



On 25/07/2016 13:20, python-africa-request at python.org wrote:
> Send Python-africa mailing list submissions to
> 	python-africa at python.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> 	https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-africa
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	python-africa-request at python.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	python-africa-owner at python.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Python-africa digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>     1. Good Python hosting? (Chavoux Luyt)
>     2. Re: Good Python hosting? (Ibrahim DIOP)
>     3. African technology pioneers featured in the Guardian
>        (Daniele Procida)
>     4. Re: Good Python hosting? (Chavoux Luyt)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 19:22:23 +0200
> From: Chavoux Luyt <chavoux at gmail.com>
> To: python-africa at python.org
> Subject: [Python-africa] Good Python hosting?
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAPGeeiFuNn7gsonaWJ+1N8UjppeqPzT3cDv7XCPyg1YOsdLGYA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi Pythonistas,
> I am not sure if this is the right mailing list to ask... most talk so far
> have been about python meetups and conferences.
> I am in the process of writing a Python web application for a research
> project (i.e. no income and little money). I am based in Namibia, but
> currently hosting my own web site with a reasonably priced South African
> web host. But it is only static web pages. Do you have any advice on good
> cheap server hosts that runs python or a python framework of some kind?
> I have no experience in Python web application. I have done some web
> application development in C# .NET and asp.NET on Windows. But I would like
> a Python web framework with easy connectivity to at least potgreSQL and
> that preferably use CSS for its "look and feel"part (the generated html
> should have enough DIV and SPAN classes to make it easy to change the look
> and feel with CSS). The little bit of Python programming I have done so far
> have only been simple command-line programs/scripts.
> What I would like:
> 1. Python hosting obviously, preferably on Linux.
> 2. A GIS web server, using the same database as the database as the Python
> web application. .. I was thinking of qGIS and/or GRASS using postGIS.
> 3. A database back-end, ACID compliant... I was thinking of PostgreSQL,
> since it has postGIS, meaning that I can have a single database for my GIS
> data and the Python web application.
> 4. Preferably running a whole Python web framework.
> The other option would be to buy and set up my own Linux Python web server.
> But that is a lot of work, and I am not sure it will be any cheaper than a
> hosting option?
> Thanks,
> Chavoux
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 02:08:05 +0000
> From: Ibrahim DIOP <diopib at gmail.com>
> To: Chavoux Luyt <chavoux at gmail.com>, python-africa at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Python-africa] Good Python hosting?
> Message-ID:
> 	<CANpon2Zf19JA2a6aNd=ayaaOqtXrSfbLwPWrs8PhnexwjpiNvg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello Chavoux,
> I use webfaction <https://www.webfaction.com/> for all my current needs on
> python based webapp hosting.
> It has Django (and a few other frameworks) support. You can automatically
> setup your app (framework, database, version management etc.), you just
> have to add your code. They have an affordable basic plan and it's scalable.
> If, for some reason you're considering configuring your own server, you can
> still give digital ocean <https://www.digitalocean.com/> a try.
> If you're still debating on which framework to use, have a look at Django
> <https://www.djangoproject.com/>, it has a variant called GeoDjango
> <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/gis/> with GIS support.
> There is also an python web framework (mentionned earlier on the list --
> made in S.A) called Rheal <http://www.reahl.org/>. I don't think it has GIS
> support but you can surely make it GIS friendly with a few python modules.
> And it look promising!
> Now I'm a bit curious about S.A web hosting providers. Which one do you
> use? could you tell us a bit about them? Anybody else on the list has some
> info about some Africa based web hosting providers?
> Have fun,
> -Ibrahim
> Le dim. 24 juil. 2016 ? 13:22, Chavoux Luyt <chavoux at gmail.com> a ?crit :
>> Hi Pythonistas,
>> I am not sure if this is the right mailing list to ask... most talk so far
>> have been about python meetups and conferences.
>> I am in the process of writing a Python web application for a research
>> project (i.e. no income and little money). I am based in Namibia, but
>> currently hosting my own web site with a reasonably priced South African
>> web host. But it is only static web pages. Do you have any advice on good
>> cheap server hosts that runs python or a python framework of some kind?
>> I have no experience in Python web application. I have done some web
>> application development in C# .NET and asp.NET on Windows. But I would like
>> a Python web framework with easy connectivity to at least potgreSQL and
>> that preferably use CSS for its "look and feel"part (the generated html
>> should have enough DIV and SPAN classes to make it easy to change the look
>> and feel with CSS). The little bit of Python programming I have done so far
>> have only been simple command-line programs/scripts.
>> What I would like:
>> 1. Python hosting obviously, preferably on Linux.
>> 2. A GIS web server, using the same database as the database as the Python
>> web application. .. I was thinking of qGIS and/or GRASS using postGIS.
>> 3. A database back-end, ACID compliant... I was thinking of PostgreSQL,
>> since it has postGIS, meaning that I can have a single database for my GIS
>> data and the Python web application.
>> 4. Preferably running a whole Python web framework.
>> The other option would be to buy and set up my own Linux Python web
>> server. But that is a lot of work, and I am not sure it will be any cheaper
>> than a hosting option?
>> Thanks,
>> Chavoux
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-africa mailing list
>> Python-africa at python.org
>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-africa
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:08:19 +0100
> From: "Daniele Procida" <daniele at vurt.org>
> To: <python-africa at python.org>
> Subject: [Python-africa] African technology pioneers featured in the
> 	Guardian
> Message-ID: <20160725110819.1204400755 at mail.wservices.ch>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> May be of interest!
> <https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jul/25/africas-tech-pioneers-we-have-become-an-internet-consuming-culture>
> Daniele
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 13:20:43 +0200
> From: Chavoux Luyt <chavoux at gmail.com>
> To: Ibrahim DIOP <diopib at gmail.com>
> Cc: python-africa at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Python-africa] Good Python hosting?
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAPGeeiE_DAD4TfUErDSUvD-AT_AN4awL+=k5epHS7fpHjuGQRg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Thanks Ibrahim, I'll have a look.
> I do not really know a lot about South African web hosting providers. I
> found one that was reasonable for my purpose about 10 years ago and just
> stayed with them ever since. I currently pay R99/month at
> registerdomain.co.za . For all I know, there might be better and cheaper
> ones out there by now.
> Cheers,
> Chavoux
> On Jul 25, 2016 4:08 AM, "Ibrahim DIOP" <diopib at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Chavoux,
>> I use webfaction <https://www.webfaction.com/> for all my current needs
>> on python based webapp hosting.
>> It has Django (and a few other frameworks) support. You can automatically
>> setup your app (framework, database, version management etc.), you just
>> have to add your code. They have an affordable basic plan and it's scalable.
>> If, for some reason you're considering configuring your own server, you
>> can still give digital ocean <https://www.digitalocean.com/> a try.
>> If you're still debating on which framework to use, have a look at Django
>> <https://www.djangoproject.com/>, it has a variant called GeoDjango
>> <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/gis/> with GIS support.
>> There is also an python web framework (mentionned earlier on the list --
>> made in S.A) called Rheal <http://www.reahl.org/>. I don't think it has
>> GIS support but you can surely make it GIS friendly with a few python
>> modules. And it look promising!
>> Now I'm a bit curious about S.A web hosting providers. Which one do you
>> use? could you tell us a bit about them? Anybody else on the list has some
>> info about some Africa based web hosting providers?
>> Have fun,
>> -Ibrahim
>> Le dim. 24 juil. 2016 ? 13:22, Chavoux Luyt <chavoux at gmail.com> a ?crit :
>>> Hi Pythonistas,
>>> I am not sure if this is the right mailing list to ask... most talk so
>>> far have been about python meetups and conferences.
>>> I am in the process of writing a Python web application for a research
>>> project (i.e. no income and little money). I am based in Namibia, but
>>> currently hosting my own web site with a reasonably priced South African
>>> web host. But it is only static web pages. Do you have any advice on good
>>> cheap server hosts that runs python or a python framework of some kind?
>>> I have no experience in Python web application. I have done some web
>>> application development in C# .NET and asp.NET on Windows. But I would like
>>> a Python web framework with easy connectivity to at least potgreSQL and
>>> that preferably use CSS for its "look and feel"part (the generated html
>>> should have enough DIV and SPAN classes to make it easy to change the look
>>> and feel with CSS). The little bit of Python programming I have done so far
>>> have only been simple command-line programs/scripts.
>>> What I would like:
>>> 1. Python hosting obviously, preferably on Linux.
>>> 2. A GIS web server, using the same database as the database as the
>>> Python web application. .. I was thinking of qGIS and/or GRASS using
>>> postGIS.
>>> 3. A database back-end, ACID compliant... I was thinking of PostgreSQL,
>>> since it has postGIS, meaning that I can have a single database for my GIS
>>> data and the Python web application.
>>> 4. Preferably running a whole Python web framework.
>>> The other option would be to buy and set up my own Linux Python web
>>> server. But that is a lot of work, and I am not sure it will be any cheaper
>>> than a hosting option?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chavoux
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Python-africa mailing list
>>> Python-africa at python.org
>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-africa
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> Python-africa mailing list
> Python-africa at python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-africa
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> End of Python-africa Digest, Vol 6, Issue 3
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