[Python-africa] PyCon Ghana 2022: Call for Proposals

Mannie Young mannie at pythonghana.org
Fri Jun 17 10:09:05 EDT 2022

Hello everyone!

PyCon Ghana is finally returning in person after 3 years!
Our annual conference will be held on the 13th - 15th of October 2022.

After being the privileged host country of PyCon Africa and the unfortunate
pandemic, our national PyCon has been on hold, This year we are coming back
better with more exciting activities.

Currently, our team is excited to announce that our Call for Proposals is
now open and we are accepting submissions till the 8th of August 2022. We
have a couple of exciting tracks this year and we invite you to send in a
proposal and share your knowledge or experience with our diverse audience.

Find more details about CFP and proposal ideas here:

Announcement Blog: PyCon Ghana 2022 (pythonghana.org)

Also, if you'd also like to support the conference in any way, you can find
more details on how to support us here: https://gh.pycon.org/support-us/

We can't wait to hear from you.

Kindest regards,
Mannie Young,
On behalf of the PyCon Ghana Organising Team
Website <https://gh.pycon.org/> | Twitter <https://twitter.com/PyconGhana>
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