web2ldap.py 0.6.4: WWW gateway for accessing LDAP servers
Michael Ströder
Wed, 12 Jan 00 07:07:09 GMT
I would like to announce a new version of web2ldap (formerly known as
ldap-client-cgi.py), a full-featured LDAPv2 client written in Python
designed to run as a CGI-BIN under the control of a WWW server.
It's available for free (GPL) from
There's also a working demo there.
I would like to encourage people to give feedback about the usability
of this program.
Ciao, Michael.
Changes since 0.6.2:
- Some minor enhancements of user interface
- Fixed a basedn-related bug in smart login search
- Added automatically start of CGIHTTPServer.py
if web2ldap.py is invoked from command-line
(only Unix up to now).
Changes since 0.5.8:
- enhanced user interface
Changes since 0.5.6:
- some code cleaning / bug fixing
- enhanced direct handling of UTF-8 input/output more
conform to HTML4 standard
- new feature: for each host a dictionary with DNs as keys
can be created to define the default objectclass
and attribute for forming DNs for subordinate entries
(see example in cgi-bin/web2ldapcnf.py under host
ldap.ms.inka.de). This is handy in situations where
unexperienced users have to add entries without knowing
how to form a new DN.
Changes since 0.5.3:
- some code cleaning / bug fixing in login procedure
- some small performance enhancements
- direct output of UTF-8 if browser sends UTF-8 in
HTTP_ACCEPTED_CHARSET (e.g. like Netscape Communicator 4.5x does)
- fixed problems with being too case sensitive in modify
- some small improvements in user interface
<P><A HREF="http://sites.inka.de/ms/python/web2ldap/">web2ldap.py
0.6.4</A> - LDAP web client; several enhancements. (06-Jan-2000)
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