[Application] KLotski beta 1.0

Philippe Fremy pfremy@chez.com
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 06:42:59 -0500 (EST)

                            KLotski beta 1.0                            

Brick game

The goal is to bring a main piece to its destination by moving other
pieces around. A real brainteaser.

       URL:  http://aquila.rezel.enst.fr/philippe/klotski

   License:  GPL
  Platform:  Win32, Linux
  Requires:  Qt, PyQt
       Gui:  PyQt

  Categories:  Games

Philippe Fremy (pfremy@chez.com)

<a href="http://aquila.rezel.enst.fr/philippe/klotski">KLotski beta 1.0</a>
-- Brick game