PyClimate 1.1. Analysis of atmospheric and oceanic data

Jon Saenz
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 18:55:39 +0200 (MET DST)

Announce: PyClimate 1.1, 13 June 2001

We present version 1.1 of our package PyClimate:

It is dedicated to the analysis of atmospheric and oceanic data sets
using Python. It makes heavy use of NumPy and some of our own
C extensions to speed up the code.

It is distributed according to the GNU General Public License Version 2
(it is free).

The updates from version 1.0 to 1.1 comprise:
a) Some minor bugs corrected.
b) Addition of functions and classes to perform Canonical 
   Correlation Analysis (CCA) in the EOF space.
c) Additional functions and scaling conventions for EOFs. The interface
   for EOFs and SVD is much easier than previous version. The routines
   accept arbitrarily shaped fields for input and reshape
   accordingly their outputs.
d) Updated algorithms (much faster) for the random selection of
   subsamples in Monte Carlo tests on eigenvectors.
e) New algorithms for differential operators on the sphere. Current 
   version handles periodic boundary conditions in longitude and
   arbitrarily shaped scalar or vector fields organized according to
   COARDS Conventions. Current version handles fields
   arranged as (T,Z,lat,lon).
f) Exception strings have been converted to classes.
g) The reference file has grown a lot. It is not currently distributed with
   the package, but can still be accessed from the WEB server.

We have made our best to make all those changes backwards compatible.
In some cases (exception strings -> classes), they may break some code, 
but we are enforced to make those changes due to Python's new designs.

We would appreciate feedback by users.

Enjoy ;-)

Jon Saenz,
Jesus Fernandez,
Juan Zubillaga,

       <P><A HREF="">PyClimate 1.1</A> - 
	Analysis of Atmospheric and Oceanic Data Sets using Python.