Pymmetry - Python Trust Metrics

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 23:06:16 +1000

Pymmetry -

dependencies: any version of python that supports the "+=" operator (2.0
and above only?). other than that, it's pretty much self-contained code.

Raph Levien's net_flow.c and tmetric.c - ported to python (from
mod_virgule - running

Contains an implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson Maximum Flow algorithm.

Uses this algorithm in a way that is effectively "Cascading (or
Hierarchical) Access Control".

Pymmetry 1.0 example usage code includes a text-based profile /
user-certifications implementation.

python r0kz.


 ----- Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <> -----

"i want a world of dreams, run by near-sighted visionaries"
"good.  that's them sorted out.  now, on _this_ world..."