ANN: TBA 1.0 released
Tue, 22 May 2001 13:09:13 -0400

The first release of TBA (version 1.0) is now available.  This is also an
announcement for the release of a paper, "The Power of Iterators in Python,"
available on the TBA web site.

TBA is a general-purpose collection of pure Python modules.  Right now, it
just has a few iterator adapters.

TBA-1.0 and the paper mentioned above are available from the TBA web site:
Available formats are: .tar.gz, .zip, and Windows installer (.exe)

Iterators are actually not going to be introduced until Python 2.2, but
TBA-1.0 contains code that emulates iterators for Python 2.1.  For more
information on iterators, see PEP 234 and the mailing list archives for
python-iterators on SourceForge.

The licence for TBA is BSD-derived (this is an open-source licence that
allows commercial usage).

Stephen Cleary

<P><A HREF="">TBA 1.0</A> -
General-purpose pure Python iterator adapters.  (22-May-01)