ANN: PyOpenGL2 final
Tarn Weisner Burton
Sat, 01 Sep 2001 12:52:35 -0500
The final release of PyOpenGL 2 is now available. PyOpenGL2 is a
complete rewrite of PyOpenGL using the wrapper generator SWIG (you don't
need SWIG to build it, only to hack on it). It has significant
impovements over PyOpenGL 1.5.x. Some of the new features are:
1) Complete coverage of OpenGL 1.1
2) GLU 1.3 support
3) GLUT 3.7 support
4) GLE support (Tubing and Extrusion library)
5) Support for a whole pile of OpenGL, GLU, and WGL extensions (~200)
To check out PyOpenGL 2 see
Tarn Weisner Burton