[Application] bakonf-0.5

Iustin Pop iusty@k1024.org
Sat, 21 Dec 2002 22:02:17 -0500 (EST)


A system tool for making backups of configuration files

bakonf is a tool for making backups of configuration files on GNU/Linux
or Unix-like systems. It uses various methods to reduce the size of the
backups it creates, and is designed to be useful for unattended remote

       URL:  http://www.nongnu.org/bakonf
  Download:  http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/bakonf/unstable.pkg/0.5/bakonf-0.5.tar.gz

   License:  GPL
  Platform:  Unix
  Requires:  tarfile optik bz2
  Binaries:  rpm

  Categories:  Utility Apps

Iustin Pop (iusty@k1024.org)

<a href="http://www.nongnu.org/bakonf">bakonf-0.5</a> -- A system tool
for making backups of configuration files