PyGTA Announcement: next meeting is Thursday December 12, 8-10 pm

Peter Hansen
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 23:15:38 -0500

I'm pleased to announce that next meeting of PyGTA, the Toronto-area 
Python and Zope user group, will be on Thursday December 12.

It will be held at the 519 Church St. Community Centre,
near Wellesley, from 8 to 10 p.m.  This is the same location
as last time.

Please visit
for other details of the meeting, as usual.  As usual we're extending 
an invitation to you to come and present for 5-10 minutes on your own 
Python activity if you believe it will be of interest to others...
just let us know ahead of time so we can leave time for it.

In addition, note our new Mailman-based mailing lists, described
at .  The old
announcement list has been replaced, and there is a general list
for group discussion purposes as well.

-Ian Garmaise and
 Peter Hansen,
 PyGTA organizers