[ANN] CherryPy 0.6 released (SSL support)
Remi Delon
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 10:51:06 +0200
We're pleased to announce the release of CherryPy-0.6.
This release adds SSL support to CherryPy (based on PyOpenSSL).
Many thanks to Martin Sj=F6gren for his PyOpenSSL package and to Mark Wor=
for his contribution to the CherryPy SSL code.
About CherryPy:
CherryPy is a Python-based tool for developing dynamic websites. It
uses many powerful concepts together, which makes it unique in its
approach to website development.
CherryPy sits between an application server and a compiler. You write
source files, compile them with CherryPy and CherryPy generates an
executable containing everything to run the website (including an HTTP
Key properties/features of CherryPy are:
- Based exclusively on Python (runs everywhere Python runs)
- Delivers fast, robust, and scalable websites
- Developers can use OOP as well as AOP (Aspect Oriented
Programming) concepts to develop websites
- True separation of content and presentation
- Simple but powerful templating language
- "HTML editor safe" templating language (templates can go back and
forth between designers and developers)
- Powerful standard libraries to make your life easy
Other properties/features are:
- Can be linked to many databases (Oracle, Sybase, MySql,
PostgreSql, ...)
- Can run behind another webserver (Apache, ...)
- Easy clustering and load-balancing set up for high-traffic
- Built-in caching capability
- SSL support