Andrew Dalke
Thu, 7 Aug 2003 14:13:05 -0600 --
Converts an sre_parse parse tree back into a regular expression,
and includes information about where subexpressions can be found
in that string.
I have a certain fondness for writing regular expression based parsers.
/F's sre_parse module (an internal part of the standard library) has
been very fun to use in these projects. It turns a regular expression
into a simple parse tree, which I use to generate my own parsers.
When debugging, I want to know which part of the regular
expression contributed to the part of the parser with the bug.
The sre_dump module helps by using the parse tree to recreate
the original pattern and tracking where the branches are in
the string. The result is that I can do
>>> s, offsets = sre_dump.dump_and_offsets("AB|CD")
>>> def show_offsets(s, offsets):
... print s
... for expr, i, j, text in offsets:
... print " "*i + "-"*(j-i) + " " *(len(s)-j+1), s[i:j]
>>> show_offsets(s, offsets)
- A
- B
- C
- D
----- AB|CD