TriZPUG January Meeting: Current - Exploring a real world program

Tom Bryan
Sat, 25 Jan 2003 17:20:50 GMT

The Triangle Zope/Python User Group (TriZPUG) will hold its third meeting 
this Wednesday, January 29, at 6:30 p.m. in Raleigh, NC. We will be meeting 
in the DELTA conference room(s) at Venture III, who has kindly permitted us 
to use their meeting room, on NCSU's Centennial Campus. Directions to 
Venture III are below. Hunter Matthews will be giving a talk about one of 
his projects: Current. 

Hope to see you there! 

Title: Current - Exploring a real world program
Current is a open-source reverse engineered up2date server (for Red Hat 
linux systems). It is implemented entirely in python, and uses several 
different kinds of technology.  Data storage, network service, 
logging/debugging, cryptography, security and future growth are all areas 
covered in most programming books, but rarely do they give you an idea of 
what real users in real situations will hand you.  This talk will attempt 
to do that.

Directions to the TriZPUG Meeting: 
Note that we will be meeting in a different location from our previous 
meetings.   If you need directions to NCSU's Centennial Campus, try the 
following link
If you need directions to the Venture III building, follow this link, but skip step #3 since the meeting 
is after hours.

For more about TriZPUG:
Web page
Mailing list